This document outlines how you can Automate Group of Touch on Windows 10 and Windows 11 at specific Screen Locations. Each Touch Screen Location can be displayed in a small circular window which can be dragged by Mouse to desired screen location. You can Change Touch to Left Click for any Individual Screen Location in the group by editing parameters of any record in the list of Macro Actions. Keyboard Shortcuts are Automatically Configured to Add Touch at Current Mouse Cursor Location which can be dragged by Mouse and another Keyboard Shortcut is automatically configured to Start / Stop the Macro Script Execution containing Touch or Left Click Actions at Configured Screen Locations.
Simulating Touch with this Macro Application does not requires you to have a Touch Screen. Using this Macro Application Utility is really easy and straightforward. Just Move your Mouse Cursor to desired Screen Location and press the Automatically Configured Keyboard Shortcut to Add a Touch / Left Click at Current Cursor Location. Run the Macro Script with Automatically Configured Keyboard Shortcut. Really simple and straightforward procedure lets you Auto Tap on Windows Computers easily and quickly.
Edit Parameters | Configurable Settings |
Given below Screenshot Displays How you can Launch Mini Auto Mouse Click by and Create a Macro Script to Touch Screen Locations on Windows 10 and Windows 11. The Screenshot also displays a Macro Script the same Screen Touch Task with Auto Mouse Click by Application which is an advanced and much powerful Application. Screen Touch in Windows is almost like Left Click, however Screen Touch gives a visual indication of the Touch being performed.