Sample Macro Scripts for Mouse and Keyboard Automation

Given below Screenshots display Sample Macro Scripts which you can create as per your Windows Automation requirements. The Sample Scripts below will give you an idea as to what can be Automated with the Software Application Presented here. Automating Mouse Movement, Key Pressing, Launching of Applications, Finding Screen Location of Controls and Clicking on them and much more can be Automated with this Easy to Use and Learn Windows Automation Software. The Scripts are created with Actions available in the Software and can be Combined to Automate desired Repetitive Task to be performed in Controllable Manner.

Animate Mouse Cursor Movement with Macro Script

The Script below displays a Macro Script which Animates Mouse Cursor Movement from Current Mouse Cursor Location to Top Left Corner of Primary Monitor Connected to your Computer. The Script also Saves Current Mouse Cursor Location internally and once Mouse Cursor Animation is Completed, it brings back Mouse Cursor to the Initial Screen Location.

Animate Mouse Cursor Movement with Macro Script
Animate Mouse Cursor Movement with Macro Script

Script to Move Mouse Cursor by Offset

To Move Mouse Cursor by Offset or relative to Current Mouse Cursor Location, you can use Move Mouse by Offset Action as displayed in the Sample Script below. The Script is available in the Sample Scripts Folder and Simulates Mouse Movement from Current Mouse Cursor Location. The Keyboard Shortcut assigned in this Sample is F6 which can be used to Start / Stop Macro Script Execution.

Script to Move Mouse Cursor by Offset
Script to Move Mouse Cursor by Offset

Script to Click at Current Mouse Cursor Location 5 Times

The Script below allows you to Click at Current Mouse Cursor Location 5 Times using Script Repeat Count field. Note that the Left Click has been added at a Special Screen Location identified with Fixed Screen Co-Ordinates of X = 999 and Y = -999. To Click infinitely, you can make the Script Repeat field value as 0 and Assign a Keyboard Shortcut to Start / Stop Script Execution. You can also assign a Global Keyboard Shortcut to Stop All Script Executions from Other Settings of this Software.

Script to Click at Current Mouse Cursor Location 5 Times
Script to Click at Current Mouse Cursor Location 5 Times

Script to Click at Current Mouse Cursor Location with Keyboard Shortcut

The Script below displays Left Click Action added to the Script to Simulate Mouse Click at Current Mouse Cursor Location. Note the value of X = 999 and Y = -999 are assigned to instruct the Software to perform the Mouse Click at Current Mouse Cursor Location without Moving Mouse Cursor. Apart from Clicking at Current Mouse Cursor Screen Location, you can also Click at your desired Screen Co-Ordinates, within a defined Screen Rectangular Area, or even relative to Current Mouse Cursor Location.

Script to Click at Current Mouse Cursor Location with Keyboard Shortcut
Script to Click at Current Mouse Cursor Location with Keyboard Shortcut

Script to Launch Calculator and perform Calculations by Clicking Buttons

The Macro Script below Launches Calculator and then Performs Some Calculations by Clicking on Button available on Calculator. This Script uses Find and Execute Action which finds the Screen Location of Buttons and then performs Click at the Screen Locations of Buttons found. As the Find and Execute Action find Screen Location Automatically, this Mouse Clicking Action can be a useful Screen Location Independent Mouse Click Action for various purposes.

Script to Launch Calculator and perform Calculations by Clicking Buttons
Script to Launch Calculator and perform Calculations by Clicking Buttons

Script to Launch Notepad and Type Text

The Sample Script below how to Launch Notepad and Type Text onto it. The Screenshot displays 3 Actions added to the Script out of which 1 is to launch an Application by Name and other 2 Keyboard Automation Actions. The Type Comment Action simulates Keystrokes using default Keyboard Layout and last Macro Action in the Script presses Enter Key. Almost any type of Keyboard Actions can be simulated with this Software including pressing Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, Pressing Tab Key or Home Key, etc.

Script to Launch Notepad and Type Text
Script to Launch Notepad and Type Text

Macro Script to Speak Text with Text to Voice Conversion

Given below Screenshot displays a Macro Script which when Executed Speaks Text specified in Comment using default Text to Voice Conversion Speech. The Voice used to Convert Text to Speech can be Configured / Changed using Windows Control Panel. Note that a Keyboard Shortcut has been assigned at the bottom of the Software to Start / Stop Script Execution.

Macro Script to Speak Text with Text to Voice Conversion
Macro Script to Speak Text with Text to Voice Conversion

Play Audio File from Macro Script

Given below Screenshot displays a Single Action in the Script to Start Playback of an Audio File. Various Audio File Formats are supported to Playback Audio from Script. You can select a .wav File, .mp3 File or even a .mid File by double Clicking on the Start Playback of Audio File Action in the Script.

Play Audio File from Macro Script
Play Audio File from Macro Script

Sample Scripts available to Execute in Software Installation Folder

You can also find Sample Scripts in the Software Installation folder as displayed below. The Sample Scripts allows you to easily understand and use the software in best possible way.

Sample Scripts available to Execute in Software Installation Folder
Sample Scripts available to Execute in Software Installation Folder